Adsterra Network

Adsterra Network is a leading digital advertising platform. Established in 2013, nowadays Adsterra is covering more than 248 countries, generating more than 25 billion ad impressions per month. And have 100K+ successful campaigns.

Traffic for Popunder: 1.3+ Billion per week. Traffic for Web Push: 2+ Billion per week. Traffic for Native: 1+ Billion per week
10K+ direct publishers

We take serious measures to detect, prevent, and fight fraud and scam. Each website is thoroughly inspected before approval through our own in-house security software, reliable third-party solutions, and a human check.

    We have developed a complex multistep system to protect our partners from inappropriate traffic
    Average publisher lifetime: 4.7 years. Average advertiser lifetime: 1.9 years
    All the payment models are available: CPM, CPC, CPA, CPI, CPS
    A minimum deposit for the advertiser is only $100
    The available payment options are Bitcoin, Paxum, PayPal, Webmoney, and WireTransfer (constantly expanding)
    Fast start. Minimum time from registration to your campaign launch: 1 hour!
    Multilingual and friendly managers. We care about each partner, no matter the size
    Full targeting inventory including rare finds like Browser versions, OS versions, carrier, user lifetime, IP targeting. We keep an eye on OS and browser updates, so you will never miss a new targeting option.

Adsterra Network Info
Types:    Mobile Ad Network
Ad Formats:    Banners, Interstitial, PopUnder, Video
Models:    CPA, CPI, CPL, CPM
Trading Models:    Real Time Bidding, Self Service
Adsterra Network Rankings

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